Friday, December 25, 2009

It's Christmas!!!

I know I haven't been diligent in posting but I'm working on it. Things have just been really crazy. I've been cooking alot more. I've baked four cakes this week and I made spaghetti today. I've also made beef pasta and my Mom made chili last night. We've been cooking alot more as a family. I don't know if I mentioned it but I made andouille stuffed pork tenderloin a few days ago.

Christmas was good, slept most of the day but I guess that's what made it good. I am going to be more diligent in posting from now on.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Andouille Stuffed Pork Tenderloin

Am I tired or am I tired!? I'm too tired to type alot, just know that nothing is easy as it appears on television. EVER. Or YouTube for that matter. But I made Andouille Stuffed Pork Tenderloin with Garlic Butter Rice and Mixed Veggies for Dinner tonight. :-) And I have pics!!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Today was just one of THOSE days......

So today was really one of those days where things started out awesomely and then there was that one thing just really threw the proverbial wrench in your plans. Today was supposed to be the first day of project:eXperience, well I didn't cook squat; I did buy a cookbook though!!!

I had plans to make dinner for the family tonight but that all came to a screeching halt when ATT decided to disconnect our phone service because I refused to pay an extra $350 for a phone that was returned to them. This happened around 1, I went to the store and didn't leave there until about 5:30. In the meantime I checked my mail and realized that I had class tonight, I thought it was the last night of class so once I left ATT I dashed over to Sam's Club, grabbed dinner for the fam and went to class. Got my final grade and chatted with my professor for the next couple of hours, whom I must say is amazing. All of my professors this term were amazing and I appreciate them all....looking forward to the next chapter in my educational career. I know there's more I wanna say but I'm really disappointed in not getting to cook tonight, wouldn't have done any good anyway, my Mom is talking about sweets and Keema is spending the night at a friends house. Oh well.....Subway for dinner?

About project:eXperience

I watched the movie Julie & Julia, about a young lady that decides she is going to somehow do something meaningful by cooking 524 recipes from Julia Child's cookbook in 365 days. She does so sucessfully.
Well you know me, ever the one to be inspired I thought, I could do that but I'm gonna take it to another level!!! I am going to blog about my life and my experiences. So I am going to spend the next year of my life, from here on until December 31, 2010 completing a series of goals/milestones in my life. I'm still compiling a list but as of now they include skydiving on my birthday, traveling to Rome/Italy in 2010, paying off ALL of my debt, remodeling my bedroom, attending church regularly and reading the ENTIRE Bible, something I've always wanted to do but always seemed to fail, but now I have you guys to hold me accountable, I think I'll find some plan online that'll show me how to read the Bible in 365 days or buy one of those one year Bibles, I'll figure something out.
Lastly but most definitely not least, I'm going to do some cooking. As I watched the movie I figured, HEY I CAN DO THAT!! So I am, I am going to cook at least one meal a day, be it breakfast lunch or dinner. As much as my family spends dining out this is bound to be cheaper. I'm really excited to do this project and posts about all of my experiences. I will also be uploading pics and vids here and on FaceBook for all to see.