Tuesday, January 5, 2010

It's Noon and it's still too early...........

I am so tired. It feels kinda weird not having any housework to do today or any kids to transport all over the world, a welcome and refreshing break no doubt but all the same a new experience. Very seldom can I just be at the house and mellow out, but I doubt it'll last long. School starts back up shortly, for some odd reason I really thought that it starts back next Monday, crazy me. :-)

I'm trying to figure out where to take the family for summer vacation. I'm thinking maybe we should go skiing in Vail or just mellow out in Vermont. Anyone have any good ideas for good family vacation spots. We're saving money so we can take the family to Africa next year, it's going to be really exciting to go with my entire family this time. Africa is such a beautiful country, it's just so freakin' expensive to get there!!!

As for cooking, we've doing awesome. We had sandwiches last night and the night before I don't think we ate at all, seriously. I can't think for the life of me what we ate, but I know that we didn't eat out because I've been monitoring our spending and fast food consumption. The only fast food purchased this year was a meal at Taco Bell for Jakeema because he's the basketball team manager and he was going to be at school all day and called me at the last minute begging for something to eat before they left for their game. All and all it's going well, nothing extravagant so far, tonight we will be having sloppy joes!!! :-) Any good recipes please send em!!!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year New Me!!!

Hey guys, sorry I haven't been able to update lately, the cord on my laptop shorted out so I haven't been online. I just bought a new laptop today so I'll be posting regularly again. I've been cooking pretty regularly. Made spaghetti a couple times and just trying a few new things. I'm going to get some stuff tommorow for dinner. Tonight we just had sandwiches and what not, nothing special. The bright side is that we haven't eaten fast food in like 5 days and I'm so proud of us, we're doing really good. Things have been pretty awesome lately, really excited about the new TV I got a couple days before New Years!!! 40 in flat screen tv/dvd combo for only 300 bucks!!! I was so super excited. LOL. I'm about to watch movies with the family so I'll update you guys later. Have a good year and keep in touch!!!